Don’t let your users be scammed! Protect them with user protection!

74% of cyber incidents start with phishing, so user protection for businesses is vital. Security filtering of internet traffic, email and collaboration protection, and advanced endpoint protection can together prevent cyber incidents on the side of users. You can effectively develop the human layer of cyber security with phishing simulation and e-learning training.

The implementation of an anti-phishing platform is a multifactorial task. There is no question that without adequate endpoint security and e-mail and collaboration protection, you cannot kick the ball against criminals. Protecting devices against attacks, minimizing scams in e-mails, and DNS-layer filtering of data traffic is a priority for security.

The SYSWIND USER PROTECTION service provides with a solution that adapts to your business needs.

More than 74% of ransomware starts via email. Protect your e-mail account from ransomware and other threats before they reach your inbox!
Collaboration protection hunts and stops malicious programs and other harmful agents in cloud M365 and Google Workspace data storage, applications and sharing points.
Block threats with powerful machine learning using behavior monitoring engines, and protect your endpoints against fileless malware and ransomware!
Filter inbound and outbound internet traffic on all devices! Block domains that threaten your IT with malicious programs, phishing, botnets or other high-risk elements!
Test your users regularly with latest phishing emails and gather information about the state of their security awareness!
Using the results of phishing simulations, you can train your users with targeted training materials. Video series, presentations, quizzes, games and even instant reminder emails are available to make your users familiar with cyberthreats. The human firewall is when they can detect them.
Protect your critical processes, applications and data with activity monitoring! Warn and send learning material automatically to the user who makes a mistake based on security considerations!


Anti-phishing and malware protection security packages for businesses

Deploy our cost-effective service and block dangerous content in emails and collaboration points. Prevent data leakage in cloud storage and make harmful websites and applications inaccessible to your users!


Cloud installation
within 5 days


With operation



entry-level security package for small businesses doing office work
19.50 / month / user / workstation
  • Advanced endpoint protection against device attacks (1 device)
  • DNS-layer internet traffic filtering to block threats
  • Email protection against phishing and malicious content
  • Collaboration protection in cloud-based storage and at sharing points
  • Sandbox analysis for suspicious attachments and URLs
  • Data loss prevention, email encryption
  • Security awareness development including phishing tests
  • AI-driven awareness training and user control
  • 2 hours of L3 support and consultation per month


advanced security package for small and medium-sized businesses doing hybrid work
29.50 / month / user / workstation
  • Advanced endpoint protection against device attacks (1 device)
  • DNS-layer internet traffic filtering to block threatsblokkolása DNS-alapú internetforgalom-szűréssel
  • Email protection against phishing and malicious content
  • Collaboration protection in cloud-based storage and at sharing points
  • Sandbox analysis for suspicious attachments and URLs
  • Data loss prevention, email encryption
  • Security awareness development including phishing tests
  • AI-driven awareness training and user control
  • 4 hours of L3 support and consultation per month
most popular


top-level security package for large companies in a complex work environment
39.50 / month / user / workstation & mobile
  • Advanced endpoint protection against device attacks (2 devices)
  • DNS-layer internet traffic filtering to block threats
  • Email protection against phishing and malicious content
  • Collaboration protection in cloud-based storage and at sharing points
  • Sandbox analysis for suspicious attachments and URLs
  • Data loss prevention, email encryption
  • Security awareness development including phishing tests
  • AI-driven awareness training and user control
  • 8 hours of L3 support and consultation per month


Businesses can use the service on a per-user basis as a monthly subscription of min. for a period of 1 year and min. with 15 people. The indicated prices apply to 1 user and 1 workstation, or to +1 mobile device in the STRONG BREEZE package.

Cyber security service is available for customers having IT equipments with manufacturer support and licensed to firmware and application updates. Cyber security cannot be implemented with technically outdated, unsupported tools.

The protection applications work in cloud system, wherein the agents installed on user devices can be controlled remotely and centrally. User competency development is achieved via AD integration and can be controlled in a cloud application.

After the cloud-side implementation, the service starts within a maximum of 5 working days, followed by a 5-week fine-tuning.

LIGHT BREEZE and GENTLE BREEZE / user: 1 pc MS Windows 10, 11 / Apple MacOS 11, 12, 13 workstation

STRONG BREEZE / User: 1 pc MS Windows 10, 11 / Apple MacOS 11, 12, 13 workstation and 1 pc Android 12, 13, 14 / Apple iOS 14, 15, 16 mobile device

LIGHT BREEZE: MS Outlook, Gmail

GENTLE BREZZE and STRONG BREEZE: full M365 and G Workspace office apps, Teams, Slack, Dropbox, Box, ShareFile, OneDrive and Google Drive

If the system detects a suspicious but not yet identified malware code, file, or URL, it is analyzed in a secure, remote environment called sandbox. As a result, the malware cannot access the device, cloud storage, or applications.

The endpoint protection immediately isolates the device, so that, for example, there can be no lateral infection within the network, nor data leakage from the device. After the malicious code is quarantined, the device can continue to be used.

The system* analyzes suspicious items in a secure remote environment and blocks access to them for the user. If it finds traces of phishing or manipulative, harmful activity in a letter, it will not be delivered to the user's mailbox. * Only in Gentle and Strong Breeze packages.

No. Neither email protection, internet traffic filtering, nor endpoint protection causes a noticeable slowdown in operation. In the event that the system detects suspicious elements or a potential malware, analysis in sandbox environment can slow down and eventually block the given activity.

L3 means consultation and remote support for IT administration related to technology, application setup, security methods. After the implementation, the IT administration also receives 2 hours of operator training. For end users, the services do not include direct support.

The system is basically operated by the local IT administration, who after a 2-hour training, having all the information and setting options related to the system, are able to independently ensure the operation with a monthly support consultation.


The SYSWIND USER PROTECTION service provides endpoint security, user protection, awareness development, as well as extremely simple operation for the price of a phone subscription.

Thanks to cloud management, there is no need to use new servers, and thanks to the automated operation of the system, operation does not require a lot of time.


According to Verzion's 2023 report, the human factor played an important role in 74% of cyber security breaches. All of these can be traced back to human error, abuse of access, use of stolen credentials or psychological manipulation.

Small and medium-sized organizations have minimal insight into processes and events related to cyber security. They know practically nothing, even though it takes months to build a targeted attack, penetrate, expand internally, and take control of data storages and applications. This means that cybercriminals can have "free access" to unmonitored IT systems months before the incident is detected.

No statistics support the false claim that cybercriminals only target "big companies". However, they do research in the direction where it is the easiest. In addition, the intelligence used on the criminal side is clearly an increasing threat.

User development is undoubtedly important because they provide one of the biggest chance for criminals. User awareness development and continuous testing can dramatically reduce the risk associated with phishing and other types of threats over the course of a year. European statistics showed, the number of users failed the simulated phishing test can be reduced from 32.9% to 6.7% in 1 year.

European phishing tests also showed that a larger number of users poses a greater risk to the business. While the proportion of failed testers was 26.5% for companies with less than 250 employees, it was 36.2% for companies with more than 1,000 employees - before the awareness training.


The packages were compiled based on the needs of domestic entrepreneurs and the real risks. According to the complexity of work processes and collaborations, we have classified our user protection service into 3 cumulative packages.



for small businesses for independent office work


It protects independent users of small offices from phishing scams and visiting dangerous websites.
This is what I need


For SMEs for hybrid work in an M365 or Google Workspace environment


It protects medium-sized offices, workgroups and out-of-office users from phishing scams, visiting dangerous websites and compromising collaboration points.
This is what I need


for hybrid work for businesses with higher business risk


It protects the office and non-office users of companies with complex processes and their collaboration storage and sharing points from cyber threats and data leakage.


The first phishing test is free of charge and does not oblige you to do anything. We provide it so you can see how your own users react to a phishing attack. All this for free.

The daily price of the package costs less than the price of a cheap can of beer or a cup of coffee, neither you can buy a single BKK line ticket. However, a small portion of fruit yogurt or a milky dessert you can have of its price.

The monthly fee of the package does not reach the cost of the 2023 minimum wage of HUF 10,670 per day. On the other hand, a one-week D1 motorway sticker can come out of it and still have money left over for a coffee at the gas station. Approximately 12 liters of E10 95 gasoline can be filled with it, which allows you to travel up to 200 km.

You can't buy even a single BKK line ticket from the package's daily fee, but you can get a cheap beer out of it. A scoop of ice cream - only at very very cheap places - costs like the daily fee, which in turn will probably provide a lower quality experience. A 2-ply, 100-piece tissue pack can also be purchased from the amount.

A reasonably priced business phone subscription can be purchased from the monthly fee of the package. It also worth for approx. 18 liters of diesel, with which you can drive a distance of more than 300 km on the highway, which corresponds to the distance between Hatvan and Letenye.

The daily price of the package equals to a salami sandwich at a very cheap buffet. But you can have a coffee with milk and sugar on the daily fee of the service, also in a quite cheap place. It still doesn't yield a liter of diesel, but an unbranded 4-piece AAA battery pack it does.

From the monthly fee of the package, an intimate dinner for two can be arranged in a restaurant in the capital. In fact, a monthly Starlink subscription almost fits in, but you need €3,50 more. But during the off-season in Balatonlelle, you can also rent a room with a double bed for one night in a guesthouse.


The SYSWIND USER PROTECTION service provides complete user security and awareness development, as well as extremely simple operation, for the price of a phone subscription.

Request a free phishing simulation! Find out how your users react to an attack!